What is FILM?
Separating the true Masters of Fine Art Film Photography from that of the amateur hacks who try to pass off bad photography as good photography in the genre, Master Photographer Nicholas A. Price maintains an extremely high standard in the entire film photography process from taking the photograph to the final print.
It is methodical, deliberate and sensitive to the processes involved. The respect and dedication is extremely high and the craft demands great patience, knowledge and extensive experience.
Film Photography means using ONLY film produced by companies that are used solely for film camera equipment.
ONLY darkroom printing and wet processes by hand are used to create the print and no other person BUT the photographer is involved in the process.
As a Master Photographer, Nicholas A. Price has a good understanding and the required scientific knowledge in order to mix, maintain temperatures and apply the processes in order to process the film and create the final print on photographic papers exclusive to the film process. Along with confidence and experience to push the creative boundaries in the craft whilst staying within the bounds of a high standard of the final photograph on film and the final print.
True Master Fine Art Film Photographers are a now a dying breed, who are in great demand by the true collector of this art form. Because of the limited number of genuine artists, the onslaught of the digital technology and those in the genre who are teaching sub-standard methods of the art, many fine art photographic prints produced from film by a living Master Photographer have increased in price as the craft becomes endangered.
The serious collector seeks only the authentic experience and production of what the true dedication of the craft entails of which this Master Film Photographer can only deliver.
A Master Fine Art Film Photographer does not:
- Use any digital equipment whatsoever to create the photograph on film and on paper.
- Allow anyone else to be involved with the process, although assistants may be used to prepare the equipment or space.
- Does not accept ickys, dust, out of focus or badly lit subjects, to be presented as an "acceptable" or "good" photograph as the final print to the public or to a client.
- Does not offer multiple editions in large numbers of their prints. Usually, a single edition to five is the maximum.
- Does not offer his prints on paper that is of inkjet, cheap quality or is it machine printed.
- Provide or use methods that are of an “instant gratification” nature, as this attitude and method is solely related to the digital image and related digital print market.
- And will not subscribe to supporting the institutions, media, galleries, methods and practices that represent digital photography or any digital element used by or with a digital camera in order to pass of an image as fine art film photography