Collection: Dam Perspective - The Hoover Dam

In 2007, Master Photographer Nicholas A. Price photographed the Hoover Dam through his unique talent and style. 

Nicholas wanted to capture the Hoover Dam in a way that was reminiscent of the 1930's Art Deco era - a style that architect Gordon B. Kaufman elegantly applied throughout the entire Hoover Dam Project.

Through his use of black and white film and doing his usual thing of breaking every rule associated with photographing in low-level lighted areas, Nicholas pushed his technical knowledge and film speeds to the extremes to ensure his style of light and shadow played even more strongly than usual within the photographs he would create from film.

Looking back to how photography was created and displayed in the 1930's, Nicholas deliberately hand printed his work to create an unusually small collection of only 25 photographs from the 200 that he had taken, printing them in sizes of 8x10 format then matted, framed and styled the collection in a way that would reflect the traditional photography salon feel renowned in Paris and New York from the 1800's to the 1940's.